Tag Archive: Financial

Husky Int’l Electronics v. Ritz

Husky Int’l Electronics v. Ritz (US Supreme Court 2016).  This case is about Bankruptcy Code 11 U.S.C. 523 which defines which debts are non-dischargeable in bankruptcy.  Most common examples are a debt incurred by way of fraud or false representation, fraud in a fiduciary capacity, domestic support obligations or willful or malicious injury.  The opinion […]

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The Credit Risk Retention Rule

The Credit Risk Retention Rule (see OCC Bulletin 2015-8) (the “Rule”) imposes these requirements on firms, that package financial securities, into asset-backed securities by organizing a securitization transaction.  The final rule defines qualified residential mortgages (“QRM”) to include all loans that meet the qualified mortgage definition defined in Section 129c of the Truth and Lending […]

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